ILEA Alumni Event in Cha-Am
ILEA Alumni Event
As part of the ILEA Outreach program in 2022 and in honor of ILEA Day, the ILEA Bangkok, led by Executive Director Major General Kasemsunti Yoosooksomboon (Kim) and Program Director Andrew Cunney hosted the second alumni event at Sheraton Hotel, Cha-Am, Thailand on April 21, 2022. There were about 50 participants, both our alumni and law enforcement officers from many agencies namely Office of the Attorney General (OAG), Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), Department of Special Investigation (DSI), Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRT)Office of Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC), Royal Forest Department, Thai Custom Department, Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) and various agencies of Royal Thai Police (RTP) from the area attended.
General Kim made an opening speech emphasis on the close relationship between the Royal Thai Police and the US government. Furthermore, he added the importance of the network amongst our alumni not only in Thailand but from all over the world.
Director Cunney introduced the ILEA mission and various training courses ILEA offer throughout the year and the renovation ILEA had in both of our training center and dormitory in Bangkok and Law Enforcement Tactical Training Center in Cha-Am.
Our attendees were happily networking amongst the agencies. Here are some pictures from the event.