The Tactical Safety and Planning Training, with instruction provided by the Drug Enforcement Administration, began October 22, and due to last through November 2, 2018, with participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. This joint effort has been coordinated by ILEA Bangkok and held at the Law Enforcement Tactical Training Center in Cha-am, Thailand, another ILEA Bangkok training facility.
Candidates attending this course are officers who are currently engaged in counter-drug activities, investigations /tactical and operational activities in their countries. The training provided include some of the following areas: operational planning and briefing skills; risk assessment; defensive tactics, to include ground defense and personal weapons; firearms safety; basic tactical medical trauma skills, and more. These candidates will be able to implement the training received at ILEA in their home units and share their knowledge with others upon their return. The Department expects that all candidates will remain in their current assignments for at least three years.