Investigating Criminal Use of Crypto Currencies Course

On June 17, 2022, ILEA Bangkok in collaboration with United States Secret Service (USSS) concluded a two-week course of Investigating Criminal Use of Crypto Currencies in Phuket, Thailand.  The course was designed to give a foundation of the technology, software, and procedures involved in the investigations of criminal use of cryptocurrencies.  The course provided an in-depth technical instruction on tracing techniques and investigative tools used to identify cryptocurrencies, addresses, and wallets and showed how to attribute these addresses and wallets to suspects through the use of open source tools, software, and technology.  Also, It focused on current and emerging cryptocurrencies and the techniques being utilized by criminal actors to further their operations in an attempt to avoid detection by Law Enforcement.

The course had 40 participants from 6 subscribing countries learn the mechanics and operational elements of how various cryptocurrencies work.  Also, participants learned how to identify the presence of cryptocurrencies in their investigations as well as develop an understanding of the operating procedures of cryptocurrency wallet transfers, including inventory methods and how seizures can be used during their investigation.

For more photos of the training, please visit ILEA Alumni Portal at “Photo Album” tab.  To access, please enter the same username and password with IGN.