August 19 2019 04:30
On August 19-20, 2019, ILEA Bangkok directors and officials from Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) visited ILEA San Salvador with aims to share and exchange information to enhance law enforcement training capabilities and cooperation between two ILEAs.
Established in 2005 after the establishment of ILEA Gaborone and ILEA Roswell in 2001, ILEA San Salvador has been providing law enforcement training with their objectives to support criminal justice and strengthen international cooperation against crime in the Latin American region.
ILEA Bangkok Directors present a souvenir to the ILEA San Salvador Director
Andrew B. Cunney, ILEA Bangkok Program Director, demonstrates simulation training.
Officials from ILEA San Salvador, ILEA Bangkok, and TICA pose during the visit at ILEA San Salvador.
ILEA San Salvador Officials provide a tour of the training facilities to ILEA Bangkok directors and officials.