Prosecuting Environmental Crime: Session 9 (November 4-8, 2024)

The International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) Bangkok, in collaboration with the Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD), successfully conducted the Prosecuting Environmental Crime Course: Session 9 from November 4-8, 2023. This intensive course brought together 37 justice officials from 7 subscribing countries, all tasked with enforcing environmental laws. The course aimed to equip participants with the tools, knowledge, and skills to enhance environmental protection and combat environmental crimes at both regional and global levels. Additionally, it fostered networking and capacity-building among the participating countries, encouraging cooperation in addressing environmental challenges. Throughout the five-day program, participants explored key topics such as investigation techniques, evidence gathering, and international cooperation. The curriculum featured practical exercises and case studies, offering hands-on experience and opportunities to discuss region-specific challenges and develop solutions for effective environmental law enforcement.