Alumni in Focus

Cambodian Investigators Operational Success on Wildlife Trafficking Case

Sar Rao

Sar Rao

Forestry Officer, Leader of WRRT

Sar Rao 
Royal Gendarmerie Pouv Sary 
Royal Gendarmerie 1st Lieutenant Say Soy 
Royal Gendarmerie 2nd Lieutenant Volak Ly

Four investigators from the Cambodian Forestry Administration, Department of Legislation and Law Enforcement, Mobile Response Team Against Wildlife Crimes, reported an operational success using skills they had learned in the ILEA Wildlife Trafficking Investigators Program, conducted February 27 – March 10, 2017.

In 2018, investigators saw a Facebook ad for animal parts for sale in Cambodia, in violation of local law.  The working group used an undercover investigator to contact the Facebook account and arrange to meet the individuals selling wild animal parts at their residence.  While there, the investigator saw animal parts that had been advertised for sale online.  Using this information, the team developed their investigation, and successfully obtained a search warrant from the Office of the Prosecutor to search two properties associated with two individuals associated with the illegal business.

When the search warrant was executed by members of the Mobile Response Team, they seized over 30 domestic and imported wild animal parts, arrested two subjects, and seized a motorbike that was used to transport the parts. When faced with the evidence, the subjects admitted to illegally purchasing and attempting to sell the wild animal parts, and were remanded to prison to await sentencing.

This alumni success story is a great example of participants’ using investigative skills developed through participation in an ILEA course, which resulted in a successful law enforcement operation to disrupt wildlife trafficking. ILEA Bangkok congratulates you!